Antipole cruises

Cruise Plan 2023 – Norway northwards

Antipole has overwintered in Inverness.

Once she is back in commission, we plan to cruise up the east coasts of Scotland and thence to the Orkney and Shetland Isles. From Shetland, we plan to cross to Norway.

In Norway, we will work our way northwards mostly through the ‘leads’ – a maze of channels inside the off-lying islands. We might get as far as the Lofoten Islands in the Artic Circle if it is not too cold for our liking before working back southwards to Ulsteinvik, just south of Ålesund, where we intend to overwinter Antipole.

Joining us

As ever, family and friends are welcome to join us for stretches. Norway looks like a fascinating cruising ground.

As usual, we plan a leisurely meander exploring as our fancy takes us. It is difficult to predict when we will be where especially given tides and variable weather. If you propose a place, nearer the time we will let you know when we can be there. More realistically for most, let us know when you are available and we will advise where to meet us.

Here is an outline of when we expect to be near transport hubs. We will also be reachable in between these places.

Likely datesWhereConnections
31 MayFlorø✈️ to UK from Florø or via Bergen 
11-15 JuneÅlesund✈️ to UK
25-30 JuneTrondheim✈️ to UK
14-17 JulyBodø✈️ to UK
Lofoten Islands
24-26 JulyBodø✈️ to UK
5-9 AugustTrondheim✈️ to UK
18-20 AugustÅlesund✈️ to UK
25 AugustUlsteinvik🚌⛴️🚌 to Ålesund ✈️ to UK

There are excellent transport links integrated between rail, bus and ferries, so meeting up should be possible.