Antipole cruises

In Wales and Aberdovey

From Dún Laoghaire we had an easy sail southwards to Wicklow, which is a rather charming port town some 20nm south of Dublin.

From there we planned to cross to Wales and Aberdovey or wherever we ended up, as timing with the tides is critical – the Welsh ports are all exposed to westerly winds, have limited depths for entry, and we wanted to avoid a night entry if possible.  Timing entry after a long crossing with variable wind is tricky, and Tony had been working on various scenarios for some days.  In the event, we left at 06:00 on Saturday in rather light winds and spent four hours with the ‘chute up making gentle progress but being swept north by the flood tide up the Irish sea.  Eventually a stronger wind appeared and we had a fast passage south westward past the tip of the Lleyn peninsular and close by Bardsey Island.  By then the tide was helping us southwards and we eventually needed to slow down and lose two hours before there would be sufficient rise in the tide for entry to Aberdovey, which we achieved an hour before dusk. Aberdovey is as charming as ever – see the panorama photo from the mooring buoy we took overnight.

Aberdovey panorama

Antipole in AberdoveyThe next morning we moved into a prime berth alongside the quay, from where it is easy to step ashore – so we have easy access to the town and facilities.  We are dried out for half the tide, when we can walk ashore without even climbing the ladder up the quay.  We have already explored the rock walk and bandstand and other old favourites.  Last night we looked at the videos of Voss family holidays here in 2000 and 2007 – how the families have changed and grown in numbers and size!

We will be here in Aberdovey until Lucas, Molly and Maisie join us on August 20th, so we have time for some serious resting and some gentle walking.  Any visitors during this interlude would be very welcome.

love as ever
Tony & Ynskje

2 thoughts on “In Wales and Aberdovey

  1. Lucas Voss

    It’s amazing how every move is timed so well to work with the wind and tides. We spotted an Ovni motoring up the River Fowey today, which you visited back in May, looking back at your ‘Cruise Logs’. Looking forward to boarding next week!

  2. Rick, Annabelle and Family

    Hi. Glad to hear you had a good crossing to Aberdyfi. Enjoy the stunning setting and facilities. We are looking forwagrd to seeing the photos of your stay there. Love Rick Annabelle and family.

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