Antipole cruises

Picking our way amongst the pirate ships along the Polish coast

On Saturday we had a lovely spinnaker run from Swinoujscie 20nm eastwards along the coast to the port of Dziwnów [pronounced something like Jiv-noof]. There are mile after mile of sandy beaches and Dziwnów has re-invented itself as a holiday resort.  There are the usual beach attractions and, along the banks of the river, camp sites fronting the water.  We berthed in a very pleasant little marina built in a circular shape.  In town are lots of eateries, shops selling tourist trinkets and ‘music’.

The next day we sailed  a further 33nm to the port and town of Kołobrzeg [~ Co-wob-jeck], another tourist resort with a larger town which, to us, did not have the appeal of Dziwnów.

A further 34nm brought us to the port and resort of Darłowo [~ Darr-wovoh].  This is a busy port with beaches and a pleasant town a short cycle-ride inland.  We were recommended to visit the part of the port where people assemble in the evenings – we tried it but fled after a few minutes, or tried to as the throng was so thick we could scarcely move.  We were glad to get back to the quiet of the boat and instead to chat with new-found friends Litha and Frank from a neighbouring boat.

We will be waiting here until we are joined on Friday by Stefan, Tony’s cousin-in-law.  Stefan sailed with us in 2014, notably in Scotland.  Being Polish he will, no doubt, be able to guide us on the finer points of life here and we are looking forward to having our personal guide to Gdansk.

At each of these ports we encounter several tripper boats – converted fishing boats which take holiday-makers out to sea.  They all have faux wooden superstructures making them out to be pirate ships or Viking longships.


The weather has turned very fine and we may be delayed by lack of wind.

love to all

Ynskje & Tony

One thought on “Picking our way amongst the pirate ships along the Polish coast

  1. Rick

    Hi Dad and Ynskje, Looks like you are having an interesting time in Poland. Enjoy your trip with Stefan!
    Best wishes Rick and Family

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