Antipole cruises

To Bergen

We have had really fine weather, often with all-day sun.  But the wind has been very light and variable or non-existent.  These days the forecasts are usually spot on and we planned passages accordingly.  But often that did not work out under these conditions.

For our first night out, we anchored in a lovely spot called Hellershamn.  It was wonderfully quiet after the almost continual running of ferry engines in Florø.

In Hellershamn

Despite a good forecast wind, we had to motor through the spectacular Krackhellersund which took us through a remarkable group of mountainous islands.

Eventually, we managed to sail to an anchorage at Langøyna.  The next day we managed a mere 20nm to Sildevågen.

In the Krackhellersund

Finally, the fine weather broke for a couple of days, and we had an excellent SW wind enabling us to cover the remaining 40nm to Bergen.

Friday 17th May was Norwegian Independence Day when Norwegians celebrate their independence from Sweden and the signing of the constitution in 1814.  This is an important holiday, with partying all over Norway. We missed the day itself as we were drifting on passage but passing ships were dressed overall and peep-peeped to each other and to us.

Dressed over all

We arrived on the Saturday in Bergen having missed the “absolute chaos” on Friday with boats rafted eight or ten abreast!

This year, the day coincided with Whitsun and Monday is also a holiday, making it a long holiday weekend.  So there was still a festive mood and much merrymaking going on.  Norwegian tolerance seems to extend to those partying and playing loud music to 4:00am.  It was a jolt after so much space and solitude.

Antipole in Bergen in front of Hanseatic buildings

Away from the waterfront teeming with visitors, the city spreads up the mountain and we found quaint narrow streets with attractive wooden houses.

There Is a remarkable cable railway up to the high point of Fløyen (1,050’ 320m).  We hiked up and had magnificent views over the city.

The weather is fine again.  We have really taken to Bergen out of the holiday weekend and away from the throng on the waterfront.   On Tuesday, we visited three of the Kode art museums. We saw works by many Norwegian artists, including an impressive collection of paintings by Edvard Munch.

After five nights here, it is time to move on. We have paid a last visit to our favourite coffee café and are restocking for the passages ahead.

love, Ynskje & Tony

Det Lille Kaffekompaniet

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